
BlackRock Emerging Europe announces rollover option

BlackRock Emerging Europe announces rollover option

BlackRock Emerging Europe announces rollover option- BlackRock Emerging Europe (BEEP) announces a rollover option to new C shares to be issued by BlackRock Frontier Investment Trust plc. The rollover option will consist of 11,286,143 ordinary shares. There is also a cash option that is being offered as part of the liquidation that was previously reported on. The cash option is for 24,629,885 shares. Once BlackRock gets shareholders approval of the resolution the ordinary shares will reclassified as 24,629,885 of shares with “A” rights which means they have the right to receive cash. The other classification is of 11,286,143 shares with “B” rights meaning they get receive BRFI C Shares. The reclassified shares will be changed on 22 November 2018 at 08:00 and will then be suspended on 23 November 2018 at 07:30 am.

BEEP-BlackRock Emerging Europe announces rollover option

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