Sectors HomeSectorsInvestment CompaniesPropertyProperty – Rest of World All SectorsAll investment companiesAlternative assetsAsiaAsia PacificAsia Pacific incomeAsia Pacific smaller companiesAsset ManagersBiotechnology and healthcareChina / Greater ChinaCommodities and natural resourcesCommunication ServicesConsumer CyclicalConsumer DefensiveCountry specialistCountry Specialist: Asia Pacific ex JapanCountry Specialist: Europe - ex UKCountry Specialist: Latin AmericaDebtDebt - Direct LendingDebt - Loans and BondsDebt - Structured FinanceEnergyEnvironmentalEuropeEuropeEuropean Emerging MarketsEuropean smaller companiesFarming and forestryFinancial ServicesFinancials and financial innovationFlexible investmentGlobalGlobalGlobal emerging marketsGlobal equity incomeGlobal high incomeGlobal smaller companiesGrowth capitalHealthcareHedge fundsIndia/Indian subcontinentIndustrialsInfrastructureInfrastructure securitiesInsurance and reinsuranceInvestment CompaniesJapanJapanese smaller companiesLatin AmericaLeasingLiquidityMining, Resources and Basic MaterialsNorth AmericaNorth American Smaller CompaniesNorth and South AmericaOtherPrivate equityPropertyProperty - DebtProperty - EuropeProperty - Rest of WorldProperty - UK CommercialProperty - UK HealthcareProperty - UK LogisticsProperty - UK ResidentialProperty SecuritiesReal EstateRenewable energy infrastructureRoyaltiesSpecialist equity fundsTechnologyTechnology and technology innovationUKUK All CompaniesUK Equity and Bond IncomeUK Equity IncomeUK smaller companiesUtilities Investing in property in the rest of the world (ex UK and Europe)
Property – Rest of World Usually these funds will: have over 80% invested in property not covered by other AIC regional property sectors; less than 80% in debt; and an investment objective/policy to invest in global property (not covered by other AIC regional property sectors)