Research Before You Invest

 Research Before You Invest

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Conducting thorough research is very important. One of the best investment rules of thumb is to invest only in things you understand.

 Find out as much about the fund as possible

Wherever you can, we recommend you find out as much about the fund as possible. You can do this using research websites such as QuotedData or by visiting the fund’s own website. QuotedData’s sponsored research, while paid for by the client, aims to be balanced and comprehensive.

It will consider the good alongside the bad and will help you identify the key points and parameters by which you can analyse the fund. Armed with your research it is best to make your own judgements. You may like to consult an independent financial adviser if you aren’t sure. Remember these key factors when making judgements about an investment company:

  • does the investment strategy/policy makes sense to you
  • comparisons against similar funds in the same or related sectors
  • the share price discount or premium to net asset value (NAV) and how that has changed over time yield (the dividend it pays divided by its share price)
  • performance record
  • charges
  • policies about borrowing (or gearing)
  • share price volatility
  • changes and/or consistencies in asset
  • management personnel

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