In the press

Backing the winners in Boris Johnson’s £1trillion green gamble

Turn net zero into net profit! 


As we prepare for a winter of sky-high energy prices, the question of how to heat our homes is understandably on many of our minds. It is a major issue for the Government, too. The country’s housing stock is old and poorly insulated, and in order to hit the decarbonisation targets it has already signed up to, the Government must persuade us to swap our gas boilers for heat pumps, and further insulate our draughty homes…

Opportunity knocks for the brave investor 

Energy inefficient buildings are a problem for the Government and an expensive (and chilly) one for homeowners. But the need to modernise Britain’s housing stock presents an opportunity for investors.

Randeep Somel, manager of investment fund M&G Climate Solutions, says that the UK Government is alone in writing the requirement to get to net zero (by 2050) into national law. This means there is little choice but to spend money getting the country’s housing stock up to scratch…

Stocks to warm your home – and portfolio 

To take advantage of the green revolution in housing, it is possible to invest in some of the companies specialising in this sector…

Green funds for home efficiency 

Many investors who want to buy into green investment themes prefer to do so through diversified funds. For access to greening our built environment, there are specific funds for energy efficiency, but most funds tend to invest in numerous sustainable themes, such as renewable energy and electric vehicles.

For pure energy efficiency, Jason Hollands, managing director of investment platform Bestinvest, likes SDCL Energy Efficiency Income…

James Carthew at investment trust analyst QuotedData, likes Triple Point Energy Efficiency, an energy saving fund that also owns some Scottish hydro power plants.

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