How to Omicron-proof your portfolio


It’s beginning to look a bit like Christmas last year. There’s a tree in the Grand Hotel, one in the park as well, and plenty of rumours about tightening lockdowns and restrictions as the latest Covid variant gets going.

But the jury is out on what the latest plot twist in the pandemic saga will bring for our investments, and what we should do about it.

Should we be buying last year’s pandemic winners – from Peloton to Zoom – or should we be assuming that this latest wave will be short-lived and that stocks (especially travel and airlines) will recover?..

Look out for potential winners – and losers

But to help you decide what camp you want to be in, we provide some ideas on how to position your investments for what looks like a challenging few months.

Stocks set to gain if more stay at home

…Darius McDermott, managing director of investment platform Chelsea Financial Services, says that if – and it is a big if – Omicron leads to any kind of lockdown, we may see something similar in the short term…

On the investment fund front, those with a technology bent should prosper. James Carthew, head of investment companies at research group QuotedData, likes investment trust Polar Capital Technology, stating it represents ‘a good long-term buy’.

The stock market listed trust has generated returns of 127 per cent over the past three years. Large holdings include Apple and Microsoft, and nearly three quarters of its investments are in the United States.

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