
Master Investor Show 2022 – BB Healthcare Trust plc – Presentation


Searching for investment opportunities in the rapidly evolving healthcare paradigm

Paul Major, Portfolio Manager at BB Healthcare Trust plc, presents at Master Investor Show 2022. In his talk, Paul stresses the importance of healthcare as a growth area, and the need for a substantial change of Western healthcare systems to meet the requirements of the 21st century population. He also showcases the differentiated approach that BB Healthcare Trust plc applies to address the need for such a system change.

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The Master Investor Show is the UK’s leading event for private investors. The 2022 event, hosted on 19 March 2022 in London, featured presentations from renowned investment experts and corporations, as well as a wide variety of exhibiting companies covering all asset classes and services relevant to private investors. 

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Paul Major | Portfolio Manager

Paul has 26 years of experience in the healthcare sector on the sell-side and was top-rated by a number of institutional investment clients. He was one of the first research partners at Redburn. His work there included bespoke projects on healthcare portfolio construction for several institutions. Paul was previously an analyst and corporate financier at UBS Warburg and studied biochemistry.

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