
QuotedData’s Investment Trust Village attended by over 2000 private investors – Interview with Edward Marten

The Master Investor Show is the UK’s leading event for private investors. The 2022 event, hosted on 19 March 2022 in London, featured presentations from renowned investment experts and corporations, as well as a wide variety of exhibiting companies covering all asset classes and services relevant to private investors.

QuotedData joined the Master Investor Show 2022 main stage line-up – QuotedData was, once again, a key sponsor for the Master Investor Show. Edward Marten, QuotedData’s CEO, said at the QuotedData Investment Trust and REIT Village,

We are working hard to offer private investors wider and better access to investment trusts and REITs. We provide timely news, research and education on closed-ended funds, investment trusts, and REITs at investment shows. A private investment show is a fantastic way to get access to companies and funds, meeting the actual people who manage them. Previously corporates have not been active in engaging with private investors, but with positive regulation change and far more DIY investing, as seen on share registers, it’s now high up on their agendas. Here today we have wide range of investment trusts, REITs, and bring some of the largest asset management firms in the world, such as J.P. Morgan and abrdn; but also great boutiques, such as HarbourVest, NextEnergy Solar, BB Healthcare and many others.

On our site,, there is exclusive access to information on all the private investors shows, with discount codes for event tickets. We also offer research tools, data, research, news and education, which is free to access upon signing up. You cannot get this information, layout and data, with the same configuration anywhere else, at zero cost. At shows like this we bring our analysts, a huge range of trusts and REITs to meet, lots of presentations to engage with, but also provide education and printed versions of our research notes, which are snapped up. There is no other provider offering access to private shows like this, at such quality and scale and thanks to our analysts and clients for giving up their weekend to meet private investors. The feedback we get is that this is a considerable benefit to investment trusts, REITs and investors, so we look forward to many more in the future.”

The village and talks were attended and watched by over 2000 people, which given the impact of covid was a positive result and we look forward to the next show – which is already proving popular.

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