
QuotedData’s investment trust weekly news round-up show – Colm Walsh from ICG Enterprise Trust

Weekly Show (1)


On the 10th February, James Carthew talked through the Weekly News interviewed Colm Walsh from ICG Enterprise Trust – Watch here.

Other bits:

If you have any questions for James or the guest, please email to [email protected] who will contact them.

The best way to enjoy the show is join our weekly webinar LIVE where we discuss the key stories and events in the investment companies sector over the last week and invite a guest every week where you have the chance to get answers from your questions.

Of course if you miss the live show all the recordings can be found in Events & Videos section of our website.


Colm Walsh |

Colm joined the team in 2010. He focuses on primary funds, co-investments and secondary transactions and over the last four years has been responsible for building up the US investment programme. He previously worked at Terra Firma in its finance and structuring team. Prior to this, he worked at Deloitte where his clients included a number of private equity firms. Colm is a graduate of Economics from the London School of Economics. He is both a Chartered Accountant and a CFA Charterholder.

Colm brings experience of both fund and direct investments in Europe and the US to the Investment Committee. He has a broad range of relationships with both managers and investors in private equity which help provide insights on new opportunities.

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