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Deep Dive: Frontier markets investment opportunities continue to shrink

Biotech trusts top performance charts in February

Eve Maddock-Jones, Investment Week, 17 February 2023:

Investors seeking broader portfolio diversification and higher risk returns via frontier markets have fewer options available today than in 2021.

Persistent poor performance encouraged several liquidations of emerging markets portfolios, such as the Jupiter Emerging & Frontier Markets trust.

This has meant “investors wanting to invest in frontier markets are more limited than they were just a couple of years ago”, according to James Carthew, head of investment companies at QuotedData.

While this does not mean there are no options at all, investors now have to be even more scrupulous when considering their options.

With the closure of Jupiter’s portfolio, BlackRock Frontiers investment trust and Mobius investment trust are the main remaining closed-ended options, Carthew said.

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