
JPMorgan US Smaller Companies AGM 2024


The company are inviting shareholders to join them in person for the company’s sixty-seventh AGM to be held on Monday, 22nd April 2024 at 2.30 p.m. at 60 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0JP. The board hopes to welcome as many shareholders as possible.

Their presentation will be followed by a question and answer session. There will also be refreshments afterwards, when shareholders will be able to meet members of the Board. Shareholders wishing to follow the AGM proceedings but choosing not to attend will be able to view them live and ask questions through conferencing software. Details on how to register together with access details can be found on the Company’s website:, or by contacting the Company Secretary at [email protected].

Schedule Overview

Date Number of Sessions First Session Starts Last Session Ends
Monday 22nd 2024 1 02:30 PM 03:30 PM

Schedule Details

Day Time Session Details
Day 1 02:30 PM03:30 PM

JPMorgan US Smaller Companies AGM 2024

Ticket Price