Front page news

25 Feb 2016

Altin fights back

After Alpine Select’s announcement that it planned to try to force its way onto Altin’s Board, kick out three directors and pay out a large proportion of Altin’s capital, the Altin Board has responded. “The Board of Directors of ALTIN AG (“ALTIN”), after careful consideration, categorically rejects the proposals of Alpine Select AG (“Alpine Select”) […]

25 Feb 2016

Law Debenture puts a value on the fiduciary business

Law Debenture’s results for 2015 show its net asset value total return for the year to 31 December 2015 was down 0.3%, compared to a total return of 1.0% for the FTSE Actuaries All-Share Index. Net revenue return per share was 18.1p, an increase of 6.8% over the previous year, as a result of a […]

25 Feb 2016

Bluefield Solar says still on track for 7p+RPI returns

Bluefield Solar Income Fund delivered an above-target dividend of 7.25 pence per share for the year ending 30 June 2015, and has paid a dividend in the period of 3.25 pence per share for the current financial year. They say, notwithstanding the reduction in power prices during the period, attractively priced acquisitions and strong contractual […]

24 Feb 2016

M&L Property says properties and funds may have been misappropriated

The Board of M&L Property & Assets announces that it has been informed by the Company’s asset manager, M & L Capital Management Limited, that unauthorised sales of Company properties have apparently taken place and that there is a possibility that Company funds have been misappropriated. The Board is urgently investigating this matter and will report […]

23 Feb 2016

Honeycomb buys loan portfolio

Honeycomb Investment Trust has announced that it has agreed to acquire a portfolio of consumer loans from Caledonian Consumer Finance Limited and Carnegie Consumer Finance Limited for a purchase price of £15m. Caledonian is separately expected to acquire 700,000 ordinary shares in the Company from Pollen Street Capital Holdings Limited, an affiliate of the Company’s Investment Manager, Pollen Street […]

23 Feb 2016

GLI Alternative Finance reaffirms 8% yield target

GLI Alternative Finance has published its first set of accounts – interims covering the period from incorporation to 31 December 2015. At the end of that period the NAV was 100.9p and dividends of 1.55p had been declared. The report states that, since inception, the Company has declared dividends of 0.6p, 0.4p, 0.55p and 0.55p per […]

23 Feb 2016

Picton buys Metro, Trafford Road, Manchester

Picton Property has acquired a fully let office building in Salford Quays, Greater Manchester for £17.6m. After finance costs this transaction will increase the Company’s net income by approximately £900k per annum, rising to £1.2m per annum in April 2017. This reflects an increase in dividend cover of 5% and 7% respectively. The property, known as Metro, […]

23 Feb 2016

Dexion Absolute to wind up

In October 2015, Dexion Absolute announced that, in the event that the Shares trade at an average discount of 5 per cent. or more to its NAV in the three months commencing on 1 January 2016, it would put forward proposals for either a winding up of the Company and the appointment of a liquidator or […]

23 Feb 2016

Renewables Infrastructure looking at offshore wind

The Renewables Infrastructure Group has published results covering the year ended 31 December 2015. The NAV per share was 99p at 31 December 2015, down from 102.4p at the end of 2014. They say this reflects the impact of the removal of LECs (subsidies) in the Summer Budget. Total distributions of 6.19p per share were declared, up from 6.08p. They are […]

22 Feb 2016

UK Floods take edge off good year for CatCo

CATCo Reinsurance Opportunities Fund has published its Annual Report. For the year ended 31 December 2015, it achieved a net NAV return for shareholders of 11.58%, exceeding the target annual net return of LIBOR plus 9 to 12% per annum. CATCo also outperformed the industry benchmark, the Eurekahedge ILS Advisors Index, by 7.31%. They say […]