JPMorgan European Income : JETI

JPMorgan European Income : JETI – JPMorgan European has two share classes – Growth and Income – each relating to a separate pool of assets. Investors can switch between the two share classes without triggering a charge for capital gains (NB while this works at the moment please bear in mind that HMRC can change their minds).

JPMorgan European Income aims to provide a growing income together with the potential for long-term capital growth from a diversified portfolio of investments in Continental European stock markets. The company says that companies paying high dividends tend to consistently outperform low yielding companies and JPMorgan European Income aims to provide investors with the opportunity to gain exposure to this persistent style anomaly. They also say that the Trust’s disciplined bottom-up investment process ensures that investors are given pure exposure to the best high yielding companies.

You can access the company’s website here