Fidelity Japan Trust : FJV

Fidelity Japan Trust : FJV focuses predominantly on medium-sized and smaller Japanese companies, many of which are under researched, with the aim of achieve long-term capital growth from an actively managed portfolio of securities. This creates an opportunity to find mis-priced stocks and vigorously assess their potential before making investment decisions. The managers say Japan has a well developed infrastructure and many innovative businesses that span a broad spectrum of industries from manufacturing to cutting-edge technology. It can also leverage its close proximity to China and other high-growth Asian countries. The manager’s proprietary research forms the cornerstone of the investment process and drives the trust manager’s bottom-up stock selection approach and sector allocation is a direct result of the manager’s bottom-up stock selection. The portfolio manager is based in Tokyo, Japan.

We have written research on this company as part of a regular review of Fidelity’s closed end funds. You can read these here:

March 2018,

May 2016,

October 2015,

May 2014,

You can access the manager’s website here