Mithras Investment Trust : MTH

Mithras Investment Trust : MTH


Mithras Investment Trust was a private equity trust but today its investment objective, approved by shareholders in January 2009, is to follow a realisation strategy which aims to crystallise value for shareholders in a manner which seeks to achieve a balance between returning cash to shareholders and maximising the value of the Company’s portfolio.

Mithras Investment Trust will not make any new investments but will continue to meet its existing outstanding commitment to Mithras Capital Fund. Mithras Investment Trust will retain sufficient cash resources to meet all outstanding obligations and realised cash may be invested in AAA-rated money market funds pending its return to shareholders in accordance with the Company’s investment objective.

Mithras Investment Trust plc (“Mithras” or “Company”) was founded in 1990 and listed on the London Stock Exchange in 1994. With effect from 1 April 2009, Mithras was managed by Mithras Capital Partners LLP, making it self-managed.

Following a successful realisation strategy and the passing of a special resolution by shareholders at a General Meeting on 12 September 2018, Mithras Investment Trust plc was placed into a Members’ Voluntary Liquidation.

As a consequence the Company’s share listing was cancelled on 13 September 2018.

MTH : Mithras Investment Trust : MTH