Residential Secure Income : RESI
Residential Secure Income is invested in residential asset classes that comprise the stock of UK social housing providers (mainly Housing Associations and Local Authorities) in order to provide secure, long-dated, inflation-linked income returns with the potential for capital growth and with low sensitivity to residential house prices. The targeted asset classes comprise Shared Ownership Homes; Market Rental Homes; Functional Homes and Sub-Market Rental Homes throughout the UK.
Residential Secure Income is targeting, on a fully invested and geared basis, an inflation-linked dividend yield of 5 per cent. per annum based on the issue price of 100 pence per ordinary share and a total return in excess of 8 per cent. per annum¹. It is their intention to pay dividends to shareholders on a quarterly basis and in accordance with the REIT Regime.
you can access the company’s website here
Residential Secure Income : RESI