
CC Japan Income & Growth AGM 2023


In line with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006, the Company will hold an AGM of Shareholders to consider the resolutions laid out in the Notice of Meeting. The Board encourages Shareholders to attend and participate.

Our Investment Manager, Richard Aston, will provide an update on the portfolio and take questions after the formal business of the meeting. The Board will also be available to meet shareholders and discuss the Company. I do hope that you will join us.

We recognise it is not possible for everyone to attend the AGM and I would remind Shareholders that any questions relating to the business of the AGM, can be sent by email to [email protected]. To the extent that it is appropriate to do so, the Company will respond to any questions received in a Q&A which will be posted on the Company’s website.

If Shareholders are unable to attend the meeting in person, they are strongly encouraged to vote by proxy and to appoint the “Chairman of the AGM” as their proxy. Details of how to vote, either electronically, by proxy form or through CREST, can be found in the Notes to the Notice of AGM. The lodging of a form of proxy (or an appointment of a proxy through CREST) will not however prevent a shareholder from attending the AGM and voting in person if they so wish.

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