
Personal Investment Live – Festival of Enterprise


What is Personal Investment Live?

As part of the Festival of Enterprise, Personal Investment Live is the event that brings together senior decision makers – CEO, Directors – from growing small businesses, typically turning over £1m – £5m and Founders of early-stage companies looking to invest their personal wealth, get financial planning and wealth management advice for a smarter, profitable and more secure future.

With dedicated presentations from exhibitors, combined with Keynote presentations and supporting masterclasses this event promises to be the Midland’s leading event to connect, network and build relationships with leading entrepreneurs in the region.

QuotedData Village at Personal Investment Live

Attend the QuotedData Village to find out wealth and investment ideas brought to you by city investment research firm QuotedData. This part of the festival is dedicated to investments – mainly growth, income and capital retention ideas.

Click here to register


Ben Rogoff
George Barrow
And many more

Schedule Overview

Date Number of Sessions First Session Starts Last Session Ends
Wednesday 23rd 2019 1 10:00 AM 05:00 PM
Thursday 24th 2019 1 10:00 AM 04:00 PM

Schedule Details

Day Time Session Details
Day 1 10:00 AM05:00 PM

Festival of Enterprise

Day 2 10:00 AM04:00 PM

Festival of Enterprise

This is a free event.