
QuotedData’s weekly news update – Dean Orrico from Middlefield Canadian Income

Dean Orrico - Middlefield Canadian (1)


On Friday 15th, Matthew Read talked through the Weekly News and interviewed Dean Orrico from Middlefield Canadian Income – Watch here.

Other bits:

If you have any questions for James or the guest, please email to [email protected] who will contact them.

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Dean Orrico | President and Chief Executive Officer

Dean Orrico joined MIDDLEFIELD® in 1996 and brings over 25 years of investment experience to his role as President and Chief Executive Officer. Dean is a respected member of the investment management community, having spent many years educating financial advisors on the trends and developments in the capital markets in Canada and abroad. He is committed to excellence and integrity in funds management and is responsible for overseeing the business management and expansion of the firm’s asset management business in Canada and abroad. He is also the lead manager of Middlefield’s real estate and London Stock Exchange-listed funds.

Dean’s vision and leadership has enabled MIDDLEFIELD® to broaden its client base globally and grow assets under management. Under his direction, MIDDLEFIELD® launched its first international fund listed on the London Stock Exchange in 2006 and diversified the firm’s suite of investment funds to include various global equity and fixed-income mandates.

Dean graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto and holds an MBA from the Schulich School of Business at York University. Dean is regularly invited to speak at investment seminars, has been a guest host on BNN Bloomberg TV as is frequently interviewed both in Canada and in the UK for his perspectives on the market.

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