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2022: Picking winning investment trusts against a backdrop of uncertainty

Biotech trusts top performance charts in February

James Carthew, Investment Week, 14 December 2021

Picking winners for next year is hard as, if Omicron turns out to be mild, we will be back to a faster growth, inflationary economy with possible rate rises and perhaps another leg up for value stocks. Alternatively, if we lose another winter to lockdowns, investors will be back to focusing on growth stocks that are not reliant on economic growth for their success. So, we have hedged our bets.

Jupiter Emerging & Frontier Income Trust offers a high dividend yield and the prospect of decent capital growth if Covid can be brought under control…

Consistent strong performance has allowed BlackRock Throgmorton Trust to trade at a small premium to NAV and to expand…

Temple Bar is managed in a value style. Its managers say the trust holds many companies trading at significant discounts to their intrinsic value…

One of the root causes of higher inflation has been soaring commodity prices. This has proved beneficial for CQS Natural Resources Growth and Income over 2021…

Among funds focused on Europe, one stands out – Montanaro European Smaller Companies…

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