In the press

Should you go defensive or back a bounce for beaten-up consumer stocks? Experts’ share picks to shuffle your portfolio and survive a harsh winter


There was a real ‘back to school and back to business’ feel in the air last week – until we learnt of the sad death of the Queen. While parents took pictures of uniformed offspring outside their front doors, the press took pictures of the most famous front door in the country as Liz Truss replaced Boris Johnson at No10.

Economists are now assessing how well the country will hold up as the temperature drops while many investment experts are positioning their portfolios for a change.

The new Prime Minister’s plans to freeze energy prices have been widely welcomed, but they are expensive and, some fear, may not be enough.

Even with the ‘big bazooka’ initiative to address spiralling energy prices, the economy still faces real challenges over the next several months…

…and The state of our own investments

With such a difficult outlook, investors might be wondering why they should stay in investments at all…

The FTSE100 Index is down nearly four per cent this year so far and those who entered the current volatile environment with a portfolio of growth stocks – those in technology and other high-octane industries – will have had their fingers badly burnt…

Investment funds for difficult times

Buying into diversified focused investment funds can be a safer way of getting investment exposure particularly when the future is unclear…

James Carthew, at fund information group QuotedData, suggests now might be the time to buy into renewable energy funds.

Wind funds are already becoming more popular, with two new renewable energy funds entering the top ten list of most bought investment funds last month via platform Interactive Investor. They were the Renewables Infrastructure Group and Ecofin Global Utilities and Infrastructure, joining Greencoat UK Wind that has been on the list for a while.

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