Five income fund picks for 2022


By Eve Maddock-Jones, Reporter, Trustnet, 21 December 2021

Trustnet asks fund pickers which income portfolios they recommended for what looks to be a positive year for this part of the market.

Threadneedle UK Equity Income, Jupiter Emerging and Frontier Income and JPMorgan Mid Cap are just some of the buy options experts picked for income investing in 2022…

Below, fund pickers highlight five income options for dividend-hungry investors.

JOHCM UK Equity Income

Threadneedle UK Equity Income

JPMorgan Mid Cap

Jupiter Emerging & Frontier Income

For those investors not wanting to invest in the UK, James Carthew, head of investment companies QuotedData, picked the Jupiter Emerging & Frontier Income trust, as an “adventurous pick”.

The trust is not for the faint-hearted, investing in a more volatile region, and has relatively high volatility versus its MSCI Emerging Markets benchmark (25.5% versus 14.1%).

But Carthew said if sentiment towards the emerging market sector changes for the better in 2022 “the trust could do well”.

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