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Gresham House Energy Storage scraps dividend in ‘challenging’ year

BY GAVIN LUMSDEN, Citywire Investment Trust Insider, 1 Feb 2024: Gresham House Energy Storage Fund (GRID) has scrapped its fourth quarter dividend, blaming grid connection delays and under-utilisation of battery balancing mechanism for falling UK revenues. In a fourth quarter update, the company also said the ‘continued excessive use’ of legacy gas-fired power stations was […]

Investment Trust Insider on Perpetual Income and Growth
Investment trust insider on JPMorgan Multi Asset

Investment trust insider on JPMorgan Multi Asset – James Carthew: JPMorgan’s MATE was a good idea no one wanted Investment company merger proposals are still coming thick and fast. One of the latest is a proposed tie-up between JPMorgan Multi-Asset Growth and Income (MATE) and JPMorgan Global Growth and Income (JGGI). JGGI has become the […]

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The AIs have it

By Richard Williams, QuotedData, 29 January 2024: Being underweight the ‘Magnificent Seven’ would have made for a painful 2023. The seven US mega-cap technology stocks – Microsoft, Apple, Alphabet, Meta, Nvidia, Amazon, and Tesla – were collectively up 80% over the year, while the remaining 493 stocks that make up the S&P 500 index were […]

Investment trust insider on global trusts

Investment trust insider on global trusts – James Carthew: Global funds can learn from Alliance Trust’s success Our columnist says he is increasingly convinced Alliance Trust makes a ‘core’ holding for investors after its prgamatic multi-manager revamp seven years ago. Last week I discussed how 2023’s markets were dominated by a ‘magnificent seven’ of mega-cap […]

the citywire investment trust insider logo
Infrastructure trusts in ‘uncharted territory’

by Val Cipriani, Investors Chronicle, January 16, 2024: Infrastructure trusts are facing a “complex and time-consuming” process of handing back assets to the government, as a number of the projects they invest in approach their expiry date. Some trusts also have the added difficulty of replacing assets built through public private partnerships (PPP) and could […]

Biotech trust Trump benefit may be shortlived
Is it time to invest in Pershing Square, the British investment trust led by an outspoken US billionaire?

By ANNE ASHWORTH, Daily Mail, 13 January 2024: Until late last year, the billionaire US activist investor Bill Ackman was almost unknown outside Wall Street and the City, despite a series of corporate battles. But his fame has now spread worldwide in the wake of his successful free-speech campaign to unseat the president of his […]

Investment trust insider on AI

Investment trust insider on AI – James Carthew: Tech trusts transform their returns with big AI bets Ignoring a couple of oddities, the best-performing investment company last year in terms of underlying growth in net asset value (NAV) was Manchester & London (MNL), which generated a return of 57%. A narrowing discount meant that shareholders […]

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A compelling comeback play – courtesy of Baillie Gifford

by Dave Baxter, Investors Chronicle, January 11, 2024: By now investors will be familiar with the trials and tribulations of Baillie Gifford’s flagship investment trusts. Scottish Mortgage (SMT) shareholders might feel like they have seen it all – from the enormous gains of the lockdown era to the eye-watering losses, board spats and doubts over […]

Biotech trust Trump benefit may be shortlived
Investment trust bargains: how to find them and where to look in 2024

by Kyle Caldwell from interactive investor, 11th January 2024: There are various ways to improve the odds of investment success, including having a diversified portfolio, investing over the long term, and rebalancing a couple of times a year. Another one is to keep a close eye on valuations and seek out undervalued areas of the […]

Abrdn Diversified Income and Growth will repay £115m in the first half of 2024

Tom Aylott, PORTFOLIO ADVISER, 10 JANUARY 2024: The Abrdn Diversified Income and Growth trust will return approximately £115m to shareholders in the first half of the year as part of its wind-down process. Its directors launched a review into the trust’s persistent and entrenched discount in June last year, concluding that a wind-down was in […]