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A golden goose

Tom Aylott, Portfolio Adviser, 16 May 2024: Deep and widespread discounts have been touted as a prime buying opportunity, with investors now able to buy trusts at prices well below their net asset value (NAV). However, it is worth bearing in mind that investment companies have always traded at discounts historically, meaning the current opportunity […]

Investment trust insider on Oakley Capital Investments

James Carthew: Oakley Capital isn’t complex, it’s good at private equity I have talked about the usefulness of capital markets days before and last week I made time to go to one held by Oakley Capital Investment (OCI). This is an investment company with a great track record, sitting alongside HgCapital (HGT) at the top […]

the citywire investment trust insider logo
Dan Nickols to retire: Will it be ‘business as usual’ for investors?

Lauren Hardy, Portfolio Adviser, 15 MAY 2024: The upcoming retirement of Jupiter’s head of small and mid-cap equities, Dan Nickols (pictured), should mean “business as usual” for investors in his Jupiter UK Smaller Companies fund and the Rights and Issues investment trust, according to professional fund buyers. However, others warn against buying into the funds […]

AIC expands investment trust research for investors

by Meg Bratley, IFA Magazine, May 14, 2024 The Association of Investment Companies (AIC) has expanded its research offering for investment trust investors. Research from various providers is now available on the AIC’s website This research is from Edison Group, Hardman & Co, Kepler, QuotedData and others and can be accessed on This […]

The AIC expands pool of research available to investors

Christian Mayes, Portfolio Adviser, 14 MAY 2024: The Association of Investment Companies (AIC) has broadened its pool of external research available to be accessed by investors via their website. As part of the move, research from Edison Group, Hardman & Co, Kepler, QuotedData and others will be accessible at Two types of research are […]

‘Back to the Dark Ages’: Industry calls for FCA consultation amid trust test-taking woes

Lauren Hardy, Portfolio Adviser, 15 MAY 2024: Professional investors have urged the FCA for a consultation on misinterpreted regulation regarding ‘complex investment products’ by platforms, following fears that mandatory ‘test taking’ before buying into some investment trusts is dealing another blow to the already-ailing sector They add that hampering the democratisation of investing through reducing […]

How the pariah status of UK equities impacts investment trusts

By Jean-Baptiste Andrieux, Reporter, Trustnet, 14 May 2024: UK equities have been notoriously out of favour with both domestic and international investors for several years. Although the FTSE 100 has rallied in recent times, it is difficult to tell whether the tide is finally turning. All we know for now is that investors have been […]

Healthcare funds roar back to life

by Dave Baxter, Investors Chronicle, May 14, 2024: Areas like biotech can be racy at the best of times and especially vulnerable to shifting investor whims. That much has become evident in recent years: the average investment trust in the AIC’s Biotechnology and Healthcare sector made a whopping 21 per cent share price total return […]

Biotech trust Trump benefit may be shortlived
Investment trust insider on Triple Point Social Housing

Investment trust insider on Triple Point Social Housing – Richard Williams: SOHO’s attractive 9% yield hangs on board decision Shares in Triple Point Social Housing trade at half the value of its assets. That looks harsh, but they could start to rerate once the board gives dividend guidance for this year on Thursday. Annual rent […]

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This investment trust sector yields 9% – is it too good to be true?

by Sam Benstead from interactive investor, 8th May 2024: Rising interest rates have knock-on effects for all investments – but one of the most important impacts is on bond markets. When rates rise, so do the returns that investors demand from fixed income. This leads to higher yields as a result of falling prices for […]