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The Investment Trusts Handbook 2022: All Change, Please

JAMES CARTHEW explores when and why boards choose to change their fund manager. In my opinion, one of the greatest strengths of the investment companies industry is its system of governance. Boards of independent directors work for and on behalf of investors. Boards’ ability to fire underperforming managers helps to keep these managers on their […]

Lindsell Train bagged £14.5m of performance fees

By Jessica Tasman-Jones, 14 Dec 21 The Lindsell Train Investment Trust has bagged its managers £14.5m in performance fees over a decade by comparing the stellar performance of its equities portfolio to a benchmark linked to UK government bonds, analysis by Portfolio Adviser reveals. LTIT’s interim results this month revealed the investment trust could fail to earn any […]

Build your portfolio upon infrastructure

By ANNE ASHWORTH FOR THE DAILY MAIL 10 December 2021 The word ‘infrastructure’ carries a suggestion of solidity at an uneasy time. This is one of the reasons for the upsurge of interest in the sector, which encompasses bridges, hospitals, roads and schools, but also renewable energy generators and the data centres, fibre-optic networks and mobile […]

The Japanese trusts on the biggest discounts or premium relative to their history

By Eve Maddock-Jones, Reporter, Trustnet, 10 December 2021 Trustnet continues its study into which trusts have the most inflated valuations and biggest discounts relative to their five-year average, this time focusing on Japanese investment trusts. Japan has been one of the most marmite markets over the past two years, topping the charts in 2020 only to […]

Bargain Hunter: three trusts shaking things up to tackle their big discounts

7th December 2021 by Kyle Caldwell from interactive investor There are various tools a board can use in an attempt to boost demand for shares. Here are some examples. When an investment trust is persistently out of favour, its board can spring into action in an attempt to tackle its discount… Change at the top In a […]

WI Daily: The best performing UK trusts of 2021

What Investment, Rory Palmer, 7 DEC 2021: Last week I looked at the top performing funds in the IA Global sector, with energy strategies and blockchain ETFs coming out on top. Now it’s time to look a little closer to home at the closed-ended vehicles in the UK that have had a stellar 2021. The […]

Gaining exposure to biotech in times of uncertainty

Robin Davison, Investment Week, 13 December 2021 The end of November saw the largest one-day fall in stock prices globally since June 2020, as investors reacted to the potential economic impact of a possible fourth wave of Covid-19, manifest in the new and ominously named Omicron variant of the Sars-Cov-2 virus. But the panic selling […]

Biotech trusts top performance charts in February
Investment trust insider on 2022

Investment trust insider on 2022 – James Carthew: Anomalies and opportunities on next year’s horizon Many of the themes that we had going into 2021 look likely to persist into 2022. Covid has not gone away, despite the success of vaccinations. God forbid we end up with lockdowns again, but this is quite possible. This […]

Investment Trust Insider on Perpetual Income and Growth
Investment trust insider on 2021’s winners

Investment trust insider on 2021’s winners – James Carthew: Three 2020 trust winners I like for 2022 The past 12 months may have been eventful, but they have also produced some impressive share price gains for many investment companies. Top of the list is the uranium-focused Geiger Counter (GCL) which has produced a stunning 197% […]

Investment Trust Insider on Perpetual Income and Growth
As stock markets stutter, there are bargains on offer from investment trusts

how to spot a discounted fund bargain By ROSIE MURRAY-WEST, FINANCIAL MAIL ON SUNDAY, 4 December 2021 Share prices have fallen sharply in recent days in response to fears over the potential economic disruption that the new Covid variant Omicron could cause. While shares in specific sectors such as airlines and travel have been hit […]