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Real estate stock exchange IPSX to close after four years

Christian Mayes, Portfolio Adviser, 06 SEPTEMBER 2023:

Real estate stock exchange International Property Securities Exchange (IPSX) is due to close after struggling to find new investment.

The exchange, which provides investors with access to single-asset real estate investment trusts (Reit), was launched in 2019 and currently has three listings – Mailbox Reit, M7 Regional E-Warehouse Reit, and BWP Reit.

Birmingham-based Mailbox Reit listed on the exchange in May 2021. Since then, its share price has fallen over 20%…

IPSX said its markets will continue to operate until further notice.

Richard Williams, property analyst at QuotedData, said: “After four years and just three listings, the writing was on the wall for the IPSX. It can blame bad luck to some degree, with rising interest rates and economic uncertainty choking off new investment, but it seems to me that from the start it was offering a solution to a problem that did not exist.

“Investors can gain access to established Reits through the many established stock exchanges that offer greater liquidity.”

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