
QuotedData’s other news 22 October 2019

In QuotedData’s other news 22 October 2019

  • The Renewables Infrastructure Group has acquired a 100% interest in Little Raith Wind Farm, a 25MW operational wind farm located in Fife, Scotland. The project consists of nine 2.75MW GE turbines and GE will continue to provide full-scope operations and maintenance services. Little Raith was commissioned in November 2012 and benefits from Renewable Obligation Certificate (“ROC”) accreditation, enabling it to receive 1.0 ROC per MWh of energy produced until 2032. It has a power purchase agreement with Statkraft Markets Gmbh effective from the project’s commissioning date for a duration of 15 years.
  • ScotGems will soldier on with Stewart Investors – Tom Prew will be the lead manager and Chris Grey the deputy. The portfolio will become less concentrated and will focus explicitly on emerging markets, rather than being a global fund with an emerging market bias. It will be interesting to see if shareholders are happy with the revised arrangements.
  • Aberdeen Standard Equity Income is revising its fees – the management fee will be calculated on a net assets basis rather than a total assets basis and the threshold at which a lower fee rate will apply will be reduced from GBP250m to GBP175m. Accordingly, with effect from 1 October 2019, the fees will be calculated at a rate of 0.65% per annum of net assets up to GBP175 million and at a rate of 0.55% per annum of net assets above this level.


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