
Shaftesbury dispute with Samuel Tak Lee rumbles on

Samuel Tak Lee locks horns with Shaftesbury again

Shaftesbury dispute with Samuel Tak Lee rumbles on – first a statement from the board:

As shareholders will be aware, the Board was served with legal proceedings issued by companies controlled by Mr Lee in June 2019. The proceedings concern allegations and claims relating to the equity placing conducted by the Company in December 2017, challenging both the rationale for the equity placing and the way in which the shares were allocated. The proceedings are expected to be heard in the High Court in 2021.

The Board considers the claims have no merit and is defending the allegations robustly. Over the past two years, we have responded promptly and appropriately to numerous letters from Mr Lee’s lawyers. Disappointingly, despite our repeated requests, Mr Lee has not directly engaged with the Board.

Corporate governance

The Board wholly rejects the suggestion in Mr Lee’s statement alleging mismanagement of the Company’s affairs. The highest standards of corporate governance and behaviour are embedded in our culture and the day-to-day running of your Company. We have an experienced board of executive and non-executive Directors who are fully aware of their fiduciary duties. Across the business, the long-term promotion of the business for the benefit of all stakeholders, including shareholders, is paramount in decision-making.

The Board will continue its long and respected stewardship of this Company’s exceptional business and will be guided at all times by its clear fiduciary duties owed to shareholders as a whole to promote the long-term success of the Company.

Recommendation of the Board

The Board considers that all of the resolutions to be proposed at the AGM are in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders as a whole and they unanimously recommend that shareholders vote in favour of them.

Yours faithfully

Jonathan Nicholls


Samuel Tak Lee’s statement:

Samuel Tak Lee | 9a Margaret Street, London W1W 8RJ

16 January 2020


Dear Shaftesbury Shareholder,

I write as a director of, and on behalf of, PEL (UK) Limited, Orosi (UK) Limited, and Orosi (UK) 2 Limited (the “Companies”). The Companies are together the owners of approximately 26.31 per cent. of the issued share capital of Shaftesbury PLC (“Shaftesbury”).

I previously wrote to shareholders of Shaftesbury in January 2018 and January 2019. I am writing to you again as the Companies and I continue to be concerned that Shaftesbury is not being managed properly in the best interests of its shareholders.

Events since January 2019

My previous letters set out in detail serious concerns which the Companies had in relation to the non-pre-emptive share issue undertaken by Shaftesbury in December 2017 (the “Placing”). Those concerns remain despite ongoing requests for the Board to address them. As a consequence of this, in June 2019 the Companies commenced formal legal proceedings against Shaftesbury.

I take this opportunity to clarify that although Shaftesbury has attempted to trivialise the complaint in its public comments by stressing that it is facing a damages claim of some GBP10 million, the first relief sought by the Companies is actually a declaration from the Court that the relevant directors on the board of Shaftesbury, a GBP3 billion, FTSE-250 company, acted in breach of their directors’ duties by conducting the Placing for improper purposes.

I have the utmost respect for the English Court and I welcome the Companies’ claims being heard before it. I anticipate that trial will occur in 2021.

The Companies’ voting intentions at Shaftesbury’s forthcoming AGM

Having regard to the circumstances of the Placing, I do not believe the current Board can be relied upon to act properly in shareholders’ best interests when undertaking future share issues unless they first seek and obtain specific authority at the relevant time.

Accordingly, as they did at the 2018 and 2019 AGMs, the Companies will vote against resolutions 15, 16 and 17, which propose to grant the Board the right to undertake further issues of shares, whether on a pre-emptive basis or otherwise.

By way of further protest at the Board’s mismanagement, as they did at the 2019 AGM, the Companies will also vote against approval of the directors’ remuneration report, the re-election as directors of the Chief Executive Officer, the Finance Director and the Chairman, and the ability of Shaftesbury to call a general meeting on 14 clear days’ notice (resolutions 2, 4, 5, 8 and 19).

Yours faithfully

Samuel Tak Lee

SHB : Shaftesbury dispute with Samuel Tak Lee rumbles on

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