
International Public Partnerships acquires police headquarters project in Germany

International Public Partnerships acquires police headquarters project in Germany – International Public Partnerships (INPP) has reached financial close on a new police headquarters in South-East Hesse in Offenbach. INPP has invested €9.5m for a 45% shareholding in the project, which in December 2017, was awarded to a consortium comprising INPP Public Infrastructure Germany, Amber Infrastructure and Goldbeck Public Partner. Financial close of the project took place after construction reached completion and successful handover to the Federal State of Hesse .

The 36,645sqm newly built centre will provide a headquarters to the police in South-East Hesse in Offenbach, which is approximately 5km from Frankfurt, accommodating around 1,000 staff. The project directly supports Sustainable Development Goal 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions), providing the Hesse State Police with office space, meeting areas, police station, cells, forensic science laboratories, a nursery, a cafeteria, multi-purpose hall, a parking deck for cars and bicycles, and outside facilities.

The headquarters have also been sustainably designed and built with key energy features such as approximately 890 solar power panels generating 302 kWp, a combined heat and power plant and a low-energy heating/cooling system. Where possible, sustainable materials were used, including Life Cycle Assessment certified products throughout the building. To support active transport, 190 bicycle ports have also been provided.

Goldbeck will provide ongoing facilities management services to the project over the 30-year concession term.

INPP : International Public Partnerships acquires police headquarters project in Germany

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