
QuotedData’s weekly news show 06 August 2021

QuotedData’s weekly news show 06 August 2021

Thank you to everyone that listened in today, whether you watched the Zoom live, on Facebook or on Youtube.

In this week’s show, James Carthew and Richard Williams covered the week’s top stories:

  • Fund combinations – Aberdeen Emerging/Aberdeen New Thai and Custodian REIT/Drum Income Plus REIT

They were also joined by Andrew McHattie who discussed the top risers and fallers in the sector during July.

Watch it again here

This week’s interview was with Matthew Howard from BMO Commercial Property – watch it again here.

2 thoughts on “QuotedData’s weekly news show 06 August 2021”

    1. That has been done and thank you for pointing this out. I am not sure we would ever have spotted it otherwise.

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