
Premier’s Nigel Sidebottom dies

Here at QuotedData we were very sad to learn today of the death of Nigel Sidebotton, ex-deputy CIO of Premier Asset Management and the person who trusted us with our first client, Premier Energy & Water (now Premier Miton Global Renewables) and worked with us patiently as we produced that first research note.

Nigel’s death came shortly after a diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. He was keen to raise awareness of the need for under 55s to register as potential stem cell donors. This can be done via either Anthony Nolan or DKMS. It takes minutes to register and do a home swab test – and for many it is the only hope of a cure. (Some 75% of people have no family donor – just like Nigel, who also had no ‘match’ on the global database).


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