
Tritax EuroBox appoints new fund manager

Tritax EuroBox has announced that Nick Preston has stepped down as fund manager of the company and has been replaced by Phil Redding, a partner at Tritax EuroBox’s manager Tritax Management.

Phil joined Tritax in November 2020 as director of investment strategy, providing strategic investment advice across four flagship Tritax funds. Prior to joining Tritax, Phil spent 25 years at SEGRO plc, holding the position of chief investment officer from 2011 and was appointed to the board as an executive director in 2013. He was responsible for SEGRO’s pan-European investment strategy and implementation, playing an integral role in the company’s repositioning and growth.

Robert Orr, chairman of Tritax EuroBox, commented: “Nick has been instrumental in the establishment of Tritax EuroBox plc and the creation of a high quality, resilient portfolio of prime logistics assets across continental Europe. My fellow board members and I thank him for his contribution and wish him the best in his future endeavours.

“Phil’s extensive experience in the industrial and logistics sector, his deep knowledge of continental European markets, and the insights gained from his 25 year career at SEGRO, make him ideally suited to take on the leadership role at EuroBox and continue the delivery of our strategy. We remain focussed on delivering our short term priorities of reducing costs and covering the dividend and we remain confident in the outlook for the business.”

EBOX : Tritax EuroBox appoints new fund managerTritax EuroBox appoints new fund manager

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