
QuotedData’s other news 4 October 2019

In QuotedData’s other news 4 October 2019 –

  • The Renewables Infrastructure Group raised £227.6m from an issue of shares that was “heavily oversubscribed”. It will issue 185m new shares. The money will be used to pay off its short-term debt and to finance new acquisitions.
  • JPMorgan Indian failed to beat its benchmark (MSCI India) over the three years ending 30 September 2019 and so, to fulfill a promise made to shareholders, it will now carry out a tender for up to 25% of its issued share capital at NAV less the costs of implementing the tender.

In addition, we have news of new investments by Gore Street Energy Storage, results from Schroder Japan, a very profitable disposal by Workspace and question marks over the future of ScotGems.

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