
QuotedData’s Spring Webinar Series


QuotedData will be hosting a webinar series throughout May designed to showcase fund managers providing exposure to a range of asset classes with each week being focused on a targeted theme.

  • Week 1 – Specialist Income (12th May) – including managers of royalties trusts, leasing funds, credit vehicles and specialist debt portfolios.
  • Week 2 – Private Equity (19th May) – including managers of direct private equity portfolios, fund of funds and specialist private equity sector biases.
  • Week 3 – Renewables (26th May) including managers of sector focused renewable funds, diversified portfolios, battery storage funds and energy efficiency strategies.

The companies currently presenting with more to be confirmed are:

  • Abderdeen Diversified Income & Growth
  • GCP Infrastructure
  • Schroder British Opportunities & Schroder UK Public Private
  • Scottish Mortgage

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