
QuotedData’s Round the World Investment Trust Webinar Americas 2022 – Jerry Polacek & Matthew Ordway, Ecofin US Renewables Infrastructure Trust


As part of QuotedData’s Round the World webinar series we hosted a presentation with Jerry Polacek and Matthew Ordway, managers of Ecofin US Renewables Infrastructure Trust. Jerry Polacek and Matthew Ordway provided an overview on the company and the investment team’s approach to portfolio infrastructure. They also discussed their current thoughts on the Renewables sector in the US  and its growth across US markets.

You can view presentations from other fund managers participating in the Round the World webinar series panel sessions in our video section and via our Youtube channel.

Watch the available videos from the following managers:

This webinar series is CPD endorsed, do get in touch after the events if you require a CPD certificate.

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Jerry Polacek

Jerry Polacek, CFA
Managing Director, Group Lead
Co-founded renewable energy
group at GE Energy Financial
• Co-founded and served as CIO
at energy infrastructure private
investment firm
• Managed a $5.4 billion portfolio
that included 54 renewable
energy projects and more than
30 energy technology companies

Matthew Ordway

Managing Director
Co-founded and served as head
of power and renewables at
energy infrastructure private
investment firm
• Assisted developers at Ridgeline
Energy and First Wind to bring
approximately 400 megawatt
(MW) development projects to
commercial operation date
• Part of asset management team
responsible for a 200 MW wind
• Managed a $1 billion portfolio
of energy and infrastructure

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