Diverse Income Trust : DIVI

Diverse Income Trust’s investment objective is to provide shareholders with an attractive level of dividends coupled with capital growth over the long-term. The company invests primarily in quoted or traded UK companies with a wide range of market capitalisations and a long-term bias toward small and mid cap equities. It may also invest in large cap companies, including FTSE 100 constituents, where it is believed that this may increase shareholder value. Portfolio risk is mitigated by investing in a diversified spread of investments. Typically it is expected that the portfolio will be made up of between 80 to 120 investments, most of which represent no more than 1.5 per cent of the value of the portfolio as at the time of acquisition. The company’s policy is to pay dividends on a quarterly basis. The company plans to maintain and grow the dividend in terms of pence per share going forward.

The fund’s manager’s website can be found here.