Front page news

07 Dec 2015

Phoenix Spree buys in Berlin

Phoenix Spree Deutschland has exchanged contracts to buy four properties in Berlin and has sold two buildings in Nürnberg at a significant premium to book value. The four Berlin properties were bought for an aggregate consideration of €R19.8m (£14m), excluding acquisition costs; representing a price per square metre of €1,640. The deal covers 150 residential and 10 commercial units […]

07 Dec 2015

Scottish Investment Trust cuts borrowings

Scottish Investment Trust announced a cut in its borrowings yesterday as it purchased in the market for cancellation 21,188,000 5.75% Secured Bonds 2030. Upon cancellation 82,827,000 5.75% Secured Bonds 2030 will remain in issue. Today it has announced results for the year ended 31 October 2015. The total return on net assets was 4.0% while the share […]

07 Dec 2015

Seneca Global Income & Growth outperforms indices and competitors

Seneca Global Income & Growth reports an NAV total return of -1.3% for the six months ended 31 October 2015. This is below the return on its benchmark of 1.8%. However SIGT has outperformed most indices and its competitors. On a capital only basis Seneca Global Income & Growth reported a 3.2% fall in NAV as compared to a 7.3% fall […]

07 Dec 2015

Majedie Asset Management does wonders for Majedie

Majedie Investments generated a 12.9% return on net assets for the year ended 30 September 2015 and a return to shareholders of 15.7%. The dividend was increased from 7.5p to 8p. This was the first full year of the Company’s assets being managed by Majedie Asset Management and they did a pretty good job – over […]

07 Dec 2015

Candover sells Stork

Candover Investments says Arle Capital Partners has agreed to sell Stork to Fluor Corporation for an enterprise value of €695m. The sale of Stork, provider of knowledge-based asset integrity services, completes the full exit of the investments held through Stork Holding BV following the sale of Fokker Technologies earlier this year to GKN plc for €706m. The […]

07 Dec 2015

Blue Capital Global Reinsurance cuts target return

Blue Capital Global Reinsurance Fund is proposing to revise its investment policy and modify its performance fees. They want to do this in advance of the January 2016 reinsurance cycle. they also feel it is appropriate to reduce the company’s target return. The key changes proposed to the investment policy are as follows: the formal adoption of investment guidelines and […]

03 Dec 2015

New City Energy slashes dividend

New City Energy says its Board have been reviewing the level of likely income from the portfolio of investments.  This has been impacted by the sharp fall in the oil price over the last 12 months leading to a number of portfolio companies reducing or cancelling their dividends.   The Board have concluded that the current level […]

02 Dec 2015

Bluefield Solar Income raises £31.62m of new capital

Bluefield Solar Income Fund has announced that, following its placing and offer for subscription, it has received commitments for 30,098,639 new ordinary shares under the placing and 901,361 new ordinary shares under the offer for subscription. As such, 31.0m new ordinary shares are to be issued at a price of 102p per share, raising gross […]