Front page news

01 Mar 2018

Third Point to sort out its discount

Third Point to sort out its discount – The board of Third Point Offshore Investors says it is committed to maximising shareholder value and protecting the interests of all the company’s stakeholders. The plan includes: a move to the Official List qualification for the FTSE UK Index Series conversion of sterling shares to US dollar shares a new […]

01 Mar 2018

Bill Ackman’s Pershing Square tender blocked by Dutch authorities

Bill Ackman’s Pershing Square tender blocked by Dutch authorities – the tender offer for $300m worth of Pershing Square Holding’s publicly traded shares  announced on 2 January 2018 will not proceed. The company says that the Dutch Authority for Financial Markets’ ( Autoriteit Financiële Markten , “AFM”) interpretation of certain applicable rules regarding the proposed tender offer make […]

01 Mar 2018

Marwyn announces Safe Harbour float

Marwyn announces Safe Harbour float – Safe Harbour Holdings plc has today announced its intention to float on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange, raising a further £22.7m, with backing from a number of institutional investors, and bringing the total funds raised to date to £32.7m. Safe Harbour has been established with the […]

28 Feb 2018

Standard Life UK Smaller Companies Trust changes its reference benchmark

Standard Life UK Smaller Companies Trust changes its reference benchmark – In the company’s half year statement published at the end of February 2018, it was announced that, with effect from 1st January 2018, the performance of SLS will be measured against the Numis Smaller Companies plus AIM (ex Investment Companies) index. The previous index had […]

28 Feb 2018

Law Debenture beats its benchmark and raises its dividend

Law Debenture beats its benchmark and raises its dividend – In its final report for the year to 31st December 2017, Law Debenture (LWDB)  reported that total return of the NAV was 16.6%, while the benchmark, the FTSE All Share Index returned was 13.1%. The UK remained the central focus of the portfolio, although the fund is […]

28 Feb 2018

Global Resources IT completes its write-up of its Kalia holding

Global Resources IT completes its write-up of its Kalia holding – On 26 February 2018, Kalia Limited announced that, subject to shareholder approval, it had agreed to acquire Global Resources Investment Trust (GRIT)‘s interest in Kalia Holdings Pty Ltd, thereby consolidating the non-landowner interests in Bougainville Exploration Licences in Papua New Guinea. This followed the […]

27 Feb 2018

Derwent London delivers a strong set of results

Derwent London delivers a strong set of results – Derwent London (DLN), the REIT focused on central London offices with a particular focus on the West End and City fringes, released its final results to 31st December 2017 Highlights EPRA net asset value per share increased 4.6% to 3,716p from 3,551p and a 3.7% increase from […]

27 Feb 2018

2017 was another strong year for BlackRock World Mining Trust

2017 was another strong year for BlackRock World Mining Trust (BRWM) – After a remarkable 2016 for global mining and commodity sectors, BlackRock World Mining Trust‘s undiluted NAV and share price rose in 2017 by 24.0% and 24.2% respectively in sterling terms with income reinvested. By comparison, the Euromoney global mining index rose by 20.8% […]

27 Feb 2018

RIT Capital Partners net assets achieve all time high

RIT Capital Partners (RCP) has announced its annual results for the year ended 31 December 2017. During the year, RCP saw growth in its net assets of £216m, taking its total net assets to an all-time high of £2.9bn and, during the course of the year, the company’s market capitalisation exceeded £3bn for the first […]

26 Feb 2018

Hg completes acquisition of Italian online hosting provider DADA

Hg completes acquisition of Italian online hosting provider DADA – Hg (HGT) is a private equity firm targeting middle-market buyouts primarily in Europe. Hg focuses on investments in technology, services and industrial technology sectors. Hg has completed its investment in DADA S.p.A (DADA), a leading provider of online hosting services to SMEs in Italy, the UK and […]