Front page news

10 Mar 2017

LXi REIT buys Sheffield car park

LXi REIT has exchanged contracts to acquire the Q-Park car park at Rockingham Street, Sheffield. The purchase price is GBP19.1 million (excluding purchaser’s costs), reflecting a blended net initial yield of 5.20% on the asset acquisition. The car park, which comprises 96% of the Property, is let to Q-Park Limited with a lease guarantee from […]

10 Mar 2017

BlackRock Latin wants to extend measurement period for tender

BlackRock Latin American says it made a 25.2% return on net assets for the year ended 31 December 2016 – in US dollars. The weakness of sterling meant that, despite a widening of the discount, shareholders made a 45.9% return. The dividend for the year was 15 cents, a fall of 28.6% on the previous […]

10 Mar 2017

Witan matches benchmark in 2016

Witan made a 22.9% return on net assets over the year ended 31 December 29016, more or less matching the 123.0% return posted by its benchmark. The underlying managers struggled with just three of their ten third party managers, together with the direct holdings portfolio, outperforming their benchmarks. There were significant positive contributions from the […]

10 Mar 2017

DW Catalyst shareholders rush for exit

DW Catalyst has announced that shareholders holding 9,349,317 shares (57.6% of shares in issue) have voted in favour of  discount trigger resolution. The effect of this is that all of the shares that were voted in favour will be redeemed by the company on 1 August 2017. Redeeming Shareholders will receive the proceeds in four quarterly […]

10 Mar 2017

SEGRO using rights issue to fund acquisition and developments

SEGRO is proposing to raise approximately GBP556 million (net proceeds) by way of a Rights Issue, the issue is fully underwritten. 1 for 5 rights issue of 166,033,133 ordinary shares of 10 pence each in the capital of the Company at a price of 345 pence per New Ordinary Share. The issue price of 345 pence per New […]

10 Mar 2017

Green REIT sells Parkway Retail Park

Green REIT has exchanged contracts for the sale of Parkway Retail Park in Limerick, with completion expected by the end of March 2017. The contract price of EUR24.3 million is payable in two tranches, with EUR1.3 million of the price subject to securing planning consent for a vacant unit in the property for which a tenant […]

09 Mar 2017

Capital & Regional earnings rise as portfolio recycling continues

Capital & Regional has announced results for the year ended 30 December 2016. EPRA NAV fell to 68p from 71p while adjusted earnings per share rose by 11.7% to 3.8p (based on earnings of £26.8m, also up 11.7%), allowing them to fully fund a dividend of 3.39p, up 8.7% on the previous year. The chairman says […]

09 Mar 2017

Brexit, stock selection and momentum driven markets blamed for 16% underperformance at European Assets

European Assets delivered a 7.4% return on NAV for the year ended 31 December 2016 compared to a 23.3% return on the Euromoney Smaller European Companies Index. The Board has already announced a total dividend for 2017 of Euro 0.7884 per share (2016: Euro 0.912 per share, net of Dutch withholding tax) will be paid.  This […]