Global High Income News

Investing in the shares of larger quoted global companies, or high yielding securities, and pays a relatively high income

13 Dec 2023
HBM Healthcare tops biotech trust league in 2017

Polar Capital Global Healthcare outperforms despite volatility

Polar Capital Global Healthcare (PCGH) announced its annual report for the year ended 30 September 2023. NAV total return was 4.21%, ahead of the benchmark MSCI ACWI Health Care Index which returned 1.19%. Share price total return was 1.92%. The outperformance was driven by strong stock selection, largely due to the focus on the company’s […]

07 Dec 2017

Invesco Perpetual Enhanced “performed strongly”

For the year ended 30 September 2017, Invesco Perpetual Enhanced Income Limited “performed strongly” with a total return to shareholders, based on the share price with dividends reinvested, of 10.5%. The share price rose from 77.4p at the start of the year to 80.3p, an increase of 3.7%. The managers earned a £1m performance fee. […]

01 Dec 2016

Invesco Perpetual Enhanced positioned itself for Brexit

Invesco Perpetual Enhanced Income has announced results for the year ended 30 September 2016. Over the period, the NAV total return was 15.7% which compares to a total return for the Merrill Lynch European High Yield Bond index (Sterling Hedged) of 9.5%; the Sterling Investment Grade Bond Index return of 16.3%; and United Kingdom Gilts returning […]

07 Oct 2016

Henderson Diversified may move onshore

Henderson Diversified Income Limited is mulling a change to its corporate structure (currently it invests through a Luxembourg subsidiary). Since it was launched, there have been a number of developments in Luxembourg tax legislation and practice, in particular in relation to transfer pricing. The OECD has recently introduced the BEPS (base erosion profit shifting) framework under […]

17 Jun 2016

Henderson Diversified cut high yield exposure and outperformed

Over the six months to the end of April 2016, Henderson Diversified Income achieved a return on net assets of 2.4% and a return to shareholders of 1.3%. this compares to a return on the company’s benchmark, the total return over three month sterling Libor plus 2.00%, of 1.3%. A first interim dividend of 1.25p […]

17 May 2016

Invesco Perpetual Enhanced sees income drive returns

Invesco Perpetual Enhanced Income has announced its interim results for the Six Months to 31 March 2016. During the period, which the managers describe as a volatile period for high yield bond markets, the company provided an NAV total return of 3.8% and a share price total return of 4.7% (the share price premium to […]

01 Mar 2016

Henderson Diversified wants to be able to gear up to 40%

Henderson Diversified Income results covering the year ended 31 October 2015 have been published. The net asset value per ordinary share decreased slightly from 88.82p to 88.36p over the year as did the share price from 91.25p to 90.50p.  The aggregated revenue return was 5.16p per ordinary share and dividends were maintained with a total […]

23 Nov 2015

Invesco Perpetual Enhanced Income prioritising revenue generation whilst remaining defensively positioned

Invesco Perpetual Enhanced Income Limited has announced its annual results for the 12-months ended 30 September 2015. During the period, the NAV per share fell 5.4% whilst its share price fell 6.2%. However, including income, the Company’s portfolio has generated a NAV total return of +1.5%. The company says that this compares to a total […]

22 Jun 2015

Henderson Diversified Income benefits from deflationary backdrop

Over the six months ended 30 April 2015, Henderson Diversified Income outperformed its benchmark, generating a total return on net assets of 5.2% as compared to 1.3% for the benchmark (three month sterling Libor plus 2.00%). The share price return was 5.9%. They have declared dividends totalling 2.5p for the period. The manager says sovereign […]

18 May 2015

Invesco Perpetual Enhanced positioned defensively

Invesco Perpetual Enhanced Income’s interim results for the six months to the end of March 2015 show the fund generating a total return on net assets of 7.9%. They compare this to a 0.6% return on three month LIBOR. The return to shareholders was 8.8%. The quarterly dividends are holding steady at 1.125p per quarter. […]

26 Jan 2015

Henderson Diversified Income 50% bigger than it was last year

Henderson Diversified Income has published results for the year that ended on 31 October 2014. The net asset value rose from 87.92p to 88.82p over the year but the share price slipped a little – from 91.5p to 91.25p – still a healthy premium to the asset value. The premium allowed the fund to issue a […]

03 Jun 2014

Henderson Diversified Income : HDIV – interims

Henderson Diversified Income has published its interim accounts covering the six months to the end of April 2014. Over that period the fund generated a total return on net assets of 4.7%. The share price did not keep pace with the net asset value so the return to shareholders was 3.5%. The fund targets returns of 1.25% over LIBOR […]

25 May 2014

Invesco Perpetual Enhanced Income : IPE – interims

Invesco Perpetual Enhanced Income, managed by Paul Read and Paul Causer (pictured) generated a 6.3% total return on net assets over the six months to the end of March 2014. The return to shareholders was 19.4%, reflecting a significant improvement in the company’s rating as the company moved from trading on a discount to trading at […]