The biggest event in the quoted fund sector last week was New River Retail : NRR’s raising of £85m of new money – £10m more than they were going for. Other notable issuers of stock were:

Polar Capital Financials : PCFT which raised £2.4m

Ruffer : RICA which raised £2.4m

Finsbury Growth & Income : FGT which raised £1.6m

BlackRock Commodities Income : BRCI which raised £1.2m

SVG Capital : SVI and Bluecrest All Blue : BABS continue to shrink – losing £3.6m and  £3.5m respectively.

Standard Life European Private Equity : SEP shrank by £2.5m

British Empire : BTEM bought back £1.8m worth

JP Morgan Indian : JII bought back £1.3m worth