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224 Results for ‘cost disclosure’
Welcome increase in disclosure by NB Distressed Debt

NB Distressed Debt has published interim results covering the six months to the end of June 2016. By that point, the NBDD Share Class had returned, through capital distributions, $108.4m or 87% of investors’ original capital of $125.0m by the end of the period. This, when added to the NAV of $40.3m, brings the ratio […]

Caledonia Investments – Time, well invested

Time, well invested Caledonia Investments (CLDN) is a self-managed trust that, at its heart, aims to be about backing companies, with strong market positions and fundamentals, for the long term. CLDN buys to hold, targeting long-term compounding real returns from its portfolio. It believes that this investment strategy means that it can ignore the gyrations […]

Caledonia Investments – Time, well invested

Time, well invested Caledonia Investments (CLDN) is a self-managed investment trust that, at its heart, is about backing companies, with strong market positions and fundamentals, for the long term. CLDN buys to hold, targeting long-term compounding real returns (after inflation) from its portfolio. Its investment strategy means that it can ignore the gyrations of fickle […]

Caledonia Investments – Time, well invested

Time, well invested Caledonia Investments (CLDN) is a self-managed trust that, at its heart, is about backing companies, with strong market positions and fundamentals, for the long term. CLDN buys to hold, targeting long-term compounding real returns from its portfolio. Its investment strategy means that it can ignore the gyrations of fickle markets, exploiting secular […]

Big miss for Miton UK Microcap

Miton UK Microcap Trust ( MINI) has announced its annual results for the year ended 30 April 2024. The company reported a NAV total return of -12.9%, which was well behind the benchmark return of 7.2%. Shares fell 15% with the discount widening to 9.5%. Chairman, Ashe Windham, noted that almost all of the damage […]

QuotedData’s Investment Companies Roundup – June 2024

June 2024 Monthly | Investment companies  Kindly sponsored by abrdn  Winners and losers in May 2024 May has been a story of market rebounds, with some of 2024’s worst-performing sectors having become the best-performing. Infrastructure securities was the top performing sector over the month. Listed infrastructure was supported by a fall in interest rate expectations […]

We must put our trust in Labour

QD view: feet dragging by the current administration on an issue of considerable importance to the investment companies industry means that a new Labour government offers our best hope for a solution If you have been following the cost disclosure issue story on our website, you will know that one of the strands that the […]

a head and shoulders picture of Rachel Reeves
AVI Global Trust – Thriving under pressure

Thriving under pressure The AVI Global Trust (AGT) has gone from strength to strength as its managers identify a wealth of opportunities. A share price total return of over 30% in the past year highlights the value of the company’s strategy of targeting high-quality companies whose shares are trading at a discount to their intrinsic […]

AVI Global Trust – Thriving under pressure

Thriving under pressure AVI Global Trust (AGT) has gone from strength to strength as its managers identify a wealth of opportunities. A share price total return of over 30% in the past year highlights the value of the company’s strategy of targeting high-quality companies whose shares are trading at a discount to their intrinsic value. […]

AVI Global Trust – Thriving under pressure?

Thriving under pressure? AVI Global Trust (AGT) appears to have gone from strength to strength as its managers say that they have identified a wealth of opportunities. A share price total return of over 30% in the past year could be said to highlight the attraction of the company’s strategy of targeting high-quality companies whose […]