Scottish American Investment Co has announced its results for the year to 31 December 2015. The net asset value total return (capital and income) for the year was 5.9%, ahead of the total return from equities of 4.1% (which, although it isn’t stated, is most probably the return on the MSCI World Index). The share price total return was 9.2%. The full year dividend, including a recommended final dividend of 2.70p, is 10.70p per share. This is 1.9% ahead of 2014.
The announcement has no report from the manager. It does say positive returns were assisted by the strong operational performance of the Company’s equity investments, including certain financial holdings, and by avoiding some troubled areas.
If you want to know more about the fund and what drive performance in 2015, the best thing would be to read the Annual Report when it is published. It will be available on this website – go to the Scottish American page by clicking the link above and click on the documents tab – you should find it there.
SCAM : Scottish American reports modest outperformance