Witan adjusts its performance benchmark

Witan has reviewed the benchmark it uses to measure its performance and has made the following adjustments:

  • UK reduced from 40% to 30%
  • North America increased from 20% to 25%
  • New allocation to emerging markets of 5%

They say that Witan’s benchmark, which is used as a reference point for comparing performance, has evolved over time to reflect changes in the investment universe from which most of the portfolio holdings are chosen.  Witan’s portfolio is actively managed and is not designed to track any index or combination of market indices. Its managers select stocks on the basis of their potential to deliver above-average returns and to outperform market indices and this will continue to be the case. Although the investment approach remains unchanged, they believe the new benchmark is more comprehensive and believe that shareholders will benefit from exposure to this more diverse investment universe.

WTAN : Witan adjusts its performance benchmark

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