
Change of guard at Value and Income

Change of guard at Value and Income – Value and Income Trust has announced the retirement of Angela Lascelles and Matthew Oakeshott, with effect from 1 April 2019. Angela and Matthew have managed the trust’s portfolio since August 1986 when, as the founder directors of OLIM Limited, they led the reorganisation of the trust, raising its total assets from GBP7 million to around GBP200 million.

Angela Lascelles is the managing director of OLIM Limited, the investment manager responsible for the management of the equity portfolio. She was appointed as a director on 6 March 2008. Matthew Oakeshott is chairman of OLIM Property Limited, the investment manager responsible for the management of the property portfolio. He was appointed as a director on 1 April 2007.

Following discussions with the board on succession planning within their respective organisations, Angela and Matthew took the decision to retire from the board and also as the lead portfolio managers.

OLIM Limited has appointed Patrick Harrington as the lead portfolio manager responsible for the equity portfolio and OLIM Property Limited has appointed Louise Cleary as the lead portfolio manager for the property portfolio.

Patrick joined the team in 2018 from stockbroker Baden Hill where he was managing partner. He is a highly experienced fund manager with over 25 years’ experience in the industry, Patrick held previous roles at Jupiter Asset Management, Henderson Global Investors and M&G. Patrick previously worked with OLIM Limited from 2005-2009 and is responsible for managing both equity and balanced portfolios.

Louise Cleary joined OLIM in 2009. She qualified as a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors in 1996 and has over 23 years of experience in commercial real estate. Prior to joining OLIM, Louise was an associate director and investment manager at Hermes Real Estate Investment Management Ltd working on the BT Pension Scheme, Royal Mail Pension Plan and Hermes Property Unit Trust. Louise is highly experienced in all aspects of commercial real estate with previous roles at Land Securities and Asda Property Holdings.

The board would like to thank Angela and Matthew for their invaluable contributions to the success of the company and wish them well for the future.

VIN : Change of guard at Value and Income

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