
QuotedData’s other news 6 February 2020

In QuotedData’s other news 6 February 2020 –

  • AEW UK Long Lease REIT (AEWL) has provided a performance update covering the quarter to 31 December 2019. Unaudited EPRA earnings per share increased by 12.9% to 1.523 pence per share, which the company says represents dividend cover for the quarter of 110.8% (quarter to 30 September 2019: 1.348 pence per share, 98.0% cover). Unaudited NAV increased 0.15% over the period to £76.17m, 94.627 pence per share.
  • Supermarket Income REIT (SUPR) also reported results (interims to 31 December 2019). The company says total shareholder return for the period amounted to 7% (24% since the initial listing in July 2017). Highlights from the period included a £100m equity raise and the acquisition of two complementary omnichannel supermarket assets at an aggregate purchase price of £114.8m, SUPR also confirmed the appointment of Cathryn Vanderspar as a non-executive director with immediate effect.

We also have an update from Polar Capital Global Financials as it looks set to continue beyond its fixed-life, as well as final results from BlackRock Energy and Resources Income.

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