
QuotedData’s morning briefing 11 August 2020

In QuotedData’s morning briefing 11 August 2020 it is a quiet day:

  • Robert Peto, chair of Standard Life Property Investments Income, will step down in favour of James Clifton-Brown following the next board meeting on 25 August. Robert agreed to extend his role temporarily, following the COVID-19 outbreak. The board now feels that a clearer view is emerging of the future.

We also have acquisitions by McKay Securities and Urban Logistics, a new valuation from Phoenix Spree Deutschland and more rumblings in the war of words around the future of Pollen Street Secured Lending. Later today, we should get a statement from Waterfall – the entity that is supposed to be bidding for it. It is almost six months now since the idea was first mooted. If it’s another delay, shareholders would be forgiven for looking fondly on the merger proposal with Honeycomb.

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