
29 Jun 2021
Civitas Social Housing

QuotedData’s morning briefing 29 June 2021

In QuotedData’s morning briefing 29 June 2021: Civitas Social Housing (CSH) has acquired three supported living properties and exchanged on one further property for a total consideration of £2.5m. All properties are based in the East of England and are self-contained single occupancy properties which have been specially adapted for adults with learning disabilities and mental health care […]

24 Jun 2021

BlackRock Income and Growth buys back shares to manage discount

BlackRock Income and Growth buys back shares to manage discount – BlackRock Income and Growth (BRIG) has published its half-year report for the six months to 30 April 2021. During the period, the trust’s net asset value per share returned 27.1%, compared with its benchmark, the FTSE All-Share Index, which returned 28.5%. BRIG’s share price however […]

24 Jun 2021

Round Hill Music Royalty announces new C share placing

Round Hill Music Royalty announces new C share placing – Round Hill Music Royalty (RHM) has announced a placing of C shares at an issue price of $1 per C share under the terms of its placing programme. It plans to use the net proceeds of the C share offer, as well as the remaining undrawn balance […]

24 Jun 2021

Good performance for Aberdeen Emerging Markets but board frustrated by discount

Good performance for Aberdeen Emerging Markets but board frustrated by discount – Aberdeen Emerging Markets (AEMC) has announced its half year report for the six months to 30 April. During this time its share price return was 20% while its NAV return was 21.5%. This compares to a 15.2% return for its MSCI Emerging Markets benchmark. The […]

24 Jun 2021

SDCL Energy Efficiency Income makes use of new placing programme in tough year

SDCL Energy Efficiency Income makes use of new placing programme in tough year – SDCL Energy Efficiency Income (SEIT) has announced its annual results for the 12 months to 31 March 2021. For the year, it posted a total NAV return of 8% and an aggregate dividend of 5.5p per share. In June 2020, SEIT […]

24 Jun 2021

Chelverton UK Dividend’s NAV soars after initial pandemic fall

Chelverton UK Dividend’s NAV soars after initial pandemic fall – Chelverton UK Dividend (SDV) has announced its full year results for the year ended 30 April 2021. During the period, the trust’s NAV soared by 81.9% while its share price total return also rose by 57.2%. During the same period, the MSCI Small Cap index […]

24 Jun 2021

QuotedData’s morning briefing 24 June 2021

In QuotedData’s morning briefing 24 June 2021: The Apax Digital Fund, in which Apax Global Alpha (APAX) is a limited partner, has invested in Revolution Prep, a national provider of online academic tutoring and test preparation services. APAX is expected to invest approximately €3.6m in the company on a look through basis. The investment will be used […]

22 Jun 2021

Share price boost for Schroder UK Mid Cap after refinements to strategy

Share price boost for Schroder UK Mid Cap after refinements to strategy – Schroder UK Mid Cap (SCP) has announced its results for the six months to 31 March 2021, during which time its NAV was up 23.9% compared to a slightly higher 28.8% return from its FTSE 250 ex Investment Trusts index. However the board […]

22 Jun 2021

Bankers secures dividend growth despite underperformance

Bankers secures dividend growth despite underperformance – Bankers (BNKR) has published its interim results for the six months to 30 April 2021. During this time, its share price rose by 17.7% and its NAV by 17.4%, underperforming its FTSE All-Share benchmark return of 21.5%. Bankers has underperformed its index over one and three years but […]

22 Jun 2021

NextEnergy Solar invests in private sister fund

NextEnergy Solar invests in private sister fund – NextEnergy Solar (NESF) has invested $50m into NextPower III LP (NPIII – a private ESG solar infrastructure fund, also managed by NextEnergy Capital) and a commitment to a new revolving credit facility of £100m. The investment will represent approximately 3.5% of NESF’s GAV as at 31 March […]