QD In The News

10 Oct 2016

‘When people were worried about Pakistan and Argentina, we were buying’

In some ways, frontier markets are the start-ups of the investment world. They have huge untapped growth potential but are precarious propositions with no guarantee of success and are difficult for investors to access. On its own, each individual market is incredibly risky. Bundled together in indices and funds, they offer a potentially compelling investment […]

07 Oct 2016

What Investment looks at funds for SIPPs

NB the headline came from the magazine not QuotedData! We cannot and do not seek to recommend individual funds to private investors. The choice of fund should reflect your personal circumstances. “Sipp investors looking for income may be able to find this in investment trusts that have a long history of delivering consistent dividends. Matthew […]

06 Oct 2016

If it is good enough for Neil Woodford… peer-to-peer trusts can yield up to 10% – but are they worth the risk?

In today’s low interest rate world, investment trusts are struggling to match the income payouts they have maintained in recent years. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/diyinvesting/article-3813416/Peer-peer-investment-trusts-offer-yields-10-worth-risk.html#ixzz4MJTrYHYS

26 Sep 2016

SVG Capital in talks with various parties following HarbourVest offer

IC Top 100 Fund SVG Capital (SVI) has received a takeover offer from global private equity company HarbourVest and shareholders in possession of more than half the shares are backing the offer. Only 50 per cent of SVG’s shares need to vote in favour for the deal to go ahead. SVG’s board is opposing the […]

22 Aug 2016

Gold demand surges amid fears for world economy

… The metal’s price could lift higher in the coming months, according to QuotedData mining analyst Paul Burton. He said: “One of the most compelling bullish factors supporting gold prices is low inflation and interest rates, and real interest rates are very low or, in some cases, negative… read more here

19 Aug 2016

Advantages and disadvantages of property funds

Both residential and commercial property funds have their attractions and potential issues. Not all open-ended commercial property funds are built the same and while there can be some advantages, there are also disadvantages, of which clients should be made aware. read more here

19 Aug 2016

Getting the right property investment strategy in place

What sort of investment strategy should investors adopt when contemplating property funds? What the Brexit-induced woes have highlighted is advisers should make sure what sort of investment strategy clients need when contemplating property as part of a portfolio. read more here

19 Aug 2016

EDINBURGH DRAGON TRUST: Investment trust roars back with 40% gain in six months

The good times are returning for shareholders in Edinburgh Dragon, an investment trust that seeks to generate returns from investing across diverse Far Eastern stock markets. After making a number of mistakes two to three years ago, the management team, led by Singapore-based Adrian Lim, is back on form. Over the past six months, the […]