
Jupiter Emerging & Frontier Income Trust : JEFI

Jupiter Emerging & Frontier Income Trust : JEFI’s investment objective is to achieve capital growth and income, over the long term, through investing predominantly in companies exposed directly or indirectly to emerging and frontier markets worldwide. Its fund manager is Ross Teverson, who is Jupiter’s Head of Strategy, Emerging Markets.

Jupiter Emerging & Frontier Income Trust (JEFI), launched in May 2017, invests globally in stocks that give exposure to emerging and frontier markets (any country that is not classified as developed or emerging). The aim is to generate both capital growth and income, over the long term. The investment approach pays no heed to the composition of any benchmark index and is
focused on identifying positive change (this is explained in more detail below). The aim is to pay an annualised yield, based on the launch price, of 4% per annum. Investors may also be given each year the chance to redeem their investment at a price close to or at NAV.

We have written notes that explain how the fund works:

  • When the going gets tough” published in December 2021, examined the reasons for the trust’s decent returns in an environment where emerging markets were struggling to make headway.
  • Out in front” published in June 2021 looked at the drivers of the trust’s good relative performance
  • Underappreciated emerging and frontier income access” covered JEFI’s experience of COVID-19
  • Unjustified discount?” published in September 2019 questions why a discount might have emerged given the trust is meeting its objectives
  • Income objective exceeded“, published in April 2019, looks at how JEFI has outperformed its peer group by comfortably exceeding the dividend objectives putting an attractive yield on the fund
  • Off to a great start“, published in August 2018, notes how just over a year old JEFI is already ahead of its benchmark and is trending to become even bigger
  • A very successful fund raise“, published in November 2017, goes into how JEFI had one of the most successful new issues of a fund in recent years

You can access the fund’s website here