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11712 Results
F&C Managed Portfolio : FMPI – half yearly report

FMPI has announced its interim results covering the six months ended 30 November 2013. The net asset value returns for the period were 2.9% for the Income shares and 7% for the Growth shares. This compares to a 3.9% return on the FTSE All-Share Index and 3.1% on the FTSE Equity Investments Index. The Board say […]

Hg Capital : HGT – acquisition

Hg Capital is acquiring Zenith Vehicle Contracts, one of the UK’s leading independent leasing, fleet management and vehicle outsourcing businesses. In total HGT will contribute £21m to the purchase price (as Zenith is acquired by a range of funds managed by Hg Capital). After this deal, using the figures announced as at the end of […]

Eastern European Property Fund : EEP – disposal

Eastern European Property Fund has sold the Yellow Building and Asmali Cumba (buildings in Asmalimescit Street, Beyoglu, Istanbul). The properties fetched $1.6m – about 2% lower than the valuation on 30 June 2013.

Dragon Ukrainian Properties : DUPD – future of company

Dragon Ukrainian Properties is calling an extraordinary general meeting on 17 February 2014 to put a set of proposals to shareholders. First it plans to make no new property investments, to sell “as quickly and effectively as the Ukrainian property market will allow” the existing portfolio and return the proceeds to shareholders. DUPD also hopes to change […]

British Land : BLND – sale of Eastgate centre

BLND has announced that it has sold the Eastgate centre in Basildon, a 700,000 sq ft shopping centre, for £88.6m.

GLI Finance : GLIF – NAV and portfolio update

NB: one important disclosure – James Carthew, the author of this post, is a director of GLIF. GLIF’s Net asset value at the end of December fell to 50p from 51.8p at the end of September 2013 – mainly down to a fall in the value of GLIF’s US$ denominated CLO investments. A number of significant […]

Land Securities : LAND – Q3 statement

LAND’s Q3 statement does not include a new NAV – they only value their properties twice a year – but it does states they have signed £7.3m of lettings in new developments and have a further £7.9m of lettings in solicitors’ hands. LAND have started £243m of new developments at 1 New Street Square and […]

Schroder Real Estate : SREI – end December NAV

SREI’s NAV increased from £161.6m to £168.5m over the final quarter of 2013 – the NAV per share increased from 45.4p to 47.3p – mainly driven by a 3.4% increase in the underlying property valuation.  

Picton Property Income : PCTN – NAV

Picton has announced that its net assets increased to £204.3m at the end of December 2013, from £180.3m at the end of September 2013 as the underlying property portfolio increased in value by 3.3% and PCTN raised £11.9m by issuing 22.2m shares at 53.5p. The EPRA NAV per share increased by 6.7% to 53.8p. PCTN […]

Golden Prospect Precious Metals : GPM – joint portfolio manager

Golden Prospect has appointed Keith Watson to work alongside Will Smith as co-manager of the portfolio. Keith was a senior natural resource analyst at Mirabaud Securities and before that had research jobs at Evolution, Dresdner Kleinwort Wassertein, Commerzbank, Credit Suisse/BZW and worked as a portfolio manager and research analyst at Scottish Amicable.

John Laing Infrastructure : JLIF – new investment policy

JLIF has made a few minor changes to its investment policy. The fund will in future be able to invest up to 30% in projects under construction (up from 15%). QD comment: investing in assets under construction increases the risk profile of the fund but could increase the return. Invest up to 10% of the portfolio […]

BlackRock Commodities Income : BRCI – change of manager

BRCI’s manager who has managed the fund since it was launched in 2005, Richard Davis, has stepped down as portfolio manager. The Board have agreed with BlackRock that the new manager will be Olivia Ker, assisted by Thomas Holl who was also deputy manager to Richard Davis.  

JP Morgan Income & Growth : JIGI – change of manager

JP Morgan Income & Growth has announced that its manager Neil Nuttall is leaving JP Morgan and so is giving up his job as manager of JIGI. The Board has agreed with JP Morgan that the management of the fund will pass to James Elliot and Katy Thorneycroft.  

VinaLand : VNL – sale of investment

VNL has sold its stake in Vina Properties which owns a 5 star hotel located in Ho Chi Minh City. The hotel fetched $16.1m, 19% more than its value in the NAV at the end of December 2013

Electra : ELTA – buys shoe company

Electra has announced that it has invested £85m in Hotter Shoes. The acquisition will have no immediate impact on Electra’s net asset value. Hotter Shoes is the UK’s largest manufacturer of shoes, has 59 own stores, sells through another 200 outlets and has a large online presence. If you are curious, the easiest thing to […]

ARC Capital : ARCH – disposal

ARC Capital has sold its stake in Ningxia Xiajin Dairy, the largest manufacturer of dairy products in Ningxia province, for $30m – 1.7x the price ARC paid for it but just 80% of its estimated value at 30 September 2013.  

Prosperity Voskhod : PVF – compulsory redemption of capital

PVF will return $58m to shareholders by way of a compulsory redemption of capital which will retire 26.29% of its share capital. Shareholders will get their cash on 6 February 2014.

The Bankers Investment Trust : BNKR – final results

Bankers results for the year to the end of October 2013 show a 23.8% uplift in its net asset value and a closing of its discount, enabling a 33.9% share price return to investors and sufficient demand for its shares to allow it to issue 350,000 in the period. This was the first time Bankers has issued […]

NB Distressed Debt : NBDD and NBDX – capital distributions

NB Distressed Debt is ready to make its first distributions to shareholders. These will be done via compulsory redemptions of shares – $28m in the case of NBDD (the original fund) or $0.2255 per share and $20.9m in the case of NBDX (the continuation fund) or $0.0593 per share. For NBDD the money comes from […]

Ludgate Environmental : LEF – cut in NAV

Between the 30 September 2013 and 31 December 2013 LEF’s NAV fell from 85p per share to 70.8p per share. 5p of the fall reflects a distribution that was made to shareholders, the rest is mainly a reduction in the carrying value of ECO Plastics as LEF changed they way they valued and accounted for that […]

SVG Capital : SVI – sale of ProSieben Sat

SVI has announced that the remainder of its investment in ProSieben Sat.1 Media AG has been sold. SVG Capital will get £85.6m from the sale. SVI also announced that they’ll announce their results n 13 February 2014.  

Fidelity European Values : FEV – share split

FEV will split each of its shares into 10 new shares (subject to shareholder approval at the next AGM). The shares are currently well over £15, so by splitting them FEV will make it easier for shareholders to invest smaller amounts of money in the company.  

Ashmore Global : AGOL – complusory partial redemption

On 31 January AGOL will return 78.84p per sterling share and 79.71 cents per US$ share by way of a compulsory redemption of shares. 12.83% of a shareholder’s holding will be redeemed.

Primary Health Properties : PHP – investment

PHP is funding, to the tune of £2.25m, the building of a new medical centre in Wrexham and expects the centre will be operational by the end of 2014.

M&G High Income : MGHU – interim results

Over the six months to the end of November 2013 M&G High Income’s package units delivered a total return of 6.1% – ahead of the returns on the FTSE 350 High Yield Index (up 2.3%) and the FTSE All-Share Index (up 3.9%). Dividends for the first half totalled 2.8p, 7.7% up on the equivalent period […]

JP Morgan Private Equity : JPEL – Strategic Initiatives

JPEL has secured third parties to buy up t0 84m of its shares at $0.80 per share – a premium to the current share price, it will cease making capital distributions and invest up to $150m in “growth” companies. Having repaid part of its zero dividend finance, cut debt and bought back $20m worth of shares […]

HICL Infrastructure : HICL – purchases and sales

HICL has sold two assets and bought another three, raising £5.8m in the process. the assets sold were HICL’s stakes in the Dorset and Swindon police projects and the assets acquired were the remaining 20% stakes they did not own in the Derby and Newport Schools projects and the Medway police project.  

Henderson Diversified Income : HDIV – results

Over the year to the end of October 2013 HDIV’s net asset value increased from 83.3p to 87.9p ( a total return, including income, of 12.0%). The dividend rose slightly from 5p to 5.05p but the Board have said that quarterly dividends will be 1.25p for the current financial year (i.e. back to 5p again). […]

HICL Infrastructure : HICL – acquisition in France

HICL has acquired an 85% interest in the University of Bourgogne PPP  (four new academic buildings on the university campus) and a 90% interest in the Troisseruex by pass RD901 PPP (a 7km dual carriageway being built as a bypass for the town of Troissereux near Beauvais). The total outlay for the two projects is […]

Invesco Property Income : IPI – update on disposals and valuation

Invesco Property Income has confirmed that its sales of an office building in Rozendal Park, Hoeilaart, Belgium (pictured) and another office building in Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire have completed. the sales raised €7.96m and £3.21m for the fund respectively (uplifts of €0.16m and £1.47m over previous valuations). The proceeds have been used to repay borrowings. IPI has […]